As we discussed in our last article, a water heater is an unsung hero in our homes. Like all heroes, however, it has a lifespan. But how do you know when it’s time to bid farewell to your trusty old unit and usher in a new one? Here are some tips to help you determine the best time to replace your aging water heater and how to choose a quality replacement.

Signs it’s Time to Replace

Age: If your water heater is approaching or past its age range, it’s a good idea to start considering a replacement.

Rusty Water: If you notice rusty or muddy water coming from your taps, it could indicate that your water heater is corroding from the inside.

Noise: Loud bangs, pops, or cracks can signal that sediment has built up in your tank, reducing its efficiency and potentially damaging it.

Leaks: Any visible signs of water around your water heater could mean a leak, which can quickly escalate and cause significant damage.

Choosing a Quality Replacement

Type: Decide whether you want a traditional storage tank water heater or a tankless model. Tankless heaters are more energy-efficient but come with a higher upfront cost.

Size: Consider the size of your household and your hot water needs when choosing the capacity of your new water heater.

Energy Efficiency: Look for models with a high Energy Factor (EF) to save on your utility bills in the long run.

Warranty: Opt for a water heater with a solid warranty to ensure you’re covered for any unexpected issues.

Professional Installation: To ensure your new water heater performs optimally and safely, always opt for professional installation.

Following these quick tips can help ensure a smooth transition from your old water heater to a quality new unit that will provide you with reliable hot water for years to come.

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